TODAY'S HOMILY IN BRIEF. Through Jesus Christ we've been given the access to the Holy of Holies of God. Jesus Christ, unlike the priests if old, is without sin and, unlike the priests of old who offered the blood of animals, He offers Himself and pours out His own blood for the remission of our sins. He offers Himself once for all. He spares nothing but pours out Himself as a libation for the forgiveness of our sins, for our redemption, sanctification and reconciliation with God. In Him the wall that separates man from God has been brought down and man is admitted into the heart of God; the place of the unconditional love of God, His unmerited favour and His inexhaustible blessings. In Jesus Christ you've been made a child of God and are at peace with God the Father. Kindly listen to today's episode of my podcast for details of today's homily. ...