Jesus loves the Blessed Virgin Mary so much. The Blessed Virgin Mary loves Jesus so much. This love is so great that nothing can separate the two from enjoying the company of each other; not even death could. Hence, at death God assumed the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul, into heaven. This in a lay man's terms is what we celebrate today across the globe: THE SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. One may ask: 1. Is the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary recorded in the Bible? No. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Not everything that happened in our salvation history is actually recorded in the Bible (cf. Jn 21:25). However, It is one of the very significant events in the history of human salvation. 2. Does the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary imply she's God or equates her to God? No. The Blessed Virgin Mary is human like any other human person. However, she was specifically favored and honored by God above all human beings (cf. Lk ...
WE'RE MEANT TO COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER, NOT TO COMPETE WITH EACH OTHER. Life/existence by it's nature and essence is a reality of opposites constantly complementing each other to bring out something greater and better, never in competition to destroy the other or make the other less in order for the self to exist or become greater/better. THESIS and ANTITHESIS COMPLEMENT to give rise to SYNTHESIS which comes out greater, better and richer than the THESIS and ANTITHESIS. Competition rarely produce anything GOOD, but complementarity does NECESSARILY produce something GOOD. Where as in competition life/the good is destroyed, in complementing life/the good is promoted and enhanced. In competition we find the faults and limitations of others with a view to destroying and outdoing them, in complementing we emphasise the strength and good qualities of others in a bid to bring out the best/the saint in them so as to kill the worst/the demon in them. In competition we emphasise our percei...
In the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament) the number 8 sometimes is used symbolically to represent that which is a surplus or a complete completion of a thing. With the number 7 being the number of completion, perfection or fullness, 8 can be best understood as still part of the whole just greater than the whole. For example, the basket is full of grains, and then there is a surplus... As 8 is beyond 7, or perfection it can sometimes means to overflow or exceed completion... In the name of GOD THE FATHER AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT and the by the power of God upon my life and standing in the office of Jesus Christ in whose Priesthood I share, I bless you and all yours as well as this month: I decree that this month of August be a month of surplus of all that is good and all that you have desired in life (good health, finances, success in business, divine healing, freedom from diabolic oppression, affliction and obsession, fruitfulness in child bearing, divine favour, ...
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