Jesus loves the Blessed Virgin Mary so much.
The Blessed Virgin Mary loves Jesus so much.
This love is so great that nothing can separate the two from enjoying the company of each other; not even death could. Hence,  at death God assumed the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul, into heaven.
This in a lay man's terms is what we celebrate today across the globe: THE SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 

One may ask:
1. Is the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary recorded in the Bible?
No. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Not everything that happened in our salvation history is actually recorded in the Bible (cf. Jn 21:25). However, It is one of the very significant events in the history of human salvation. 
2. Does the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary imply she's God or equates her to God?
No. The Blessed Virgin Mary is human like any other human person. However, she was specifically favored and honored by God above all human beings (cf. Lk 1:39-56). The assumption wasn't her choice nor within her power either. This was a special favor/honor bestowed by God upon her.
3. Was she the first and only human person to have enjoyed this special honor from God?
No. God bestowed this same privilege and honor to Enoch (Gen 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kg 2:11).
4. Could the favor/honor assuming the Blessed Virgin Mary body and soul into heaven be greater than the favor/honor of the incarnation (God becoming man in Mary) and the favor/honor of Divine Motherhood (Mary Mother of God)?
No. It's a greater and a more difficult task and a greater favor/honor for God to take our human nature in Mary and as such honoring and elevating Mary to be his mother since Jesus Christ is indeed God who became man to save humanity (cf. Lk1:39-56, Phil 2:5-11, Rev 12:1-15, Isa7:14).
5. Was the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary a necessity? 
No. It was not a human necessity but a Divine necessity. It was a Divine necessity not because it was binding on God to grant her that favor/honor but that Jesus Christ won't allow his Beloved and Holy Mother know decay (Ps 16:10) since He has the power to give life to all who fall asleep in death (1 Cor 15:20-27).
6. Why was it imperative that the Blessed Virgin Mary enjoys this favor/honor?
Because of the existing bond of love between Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Jesus would do anything for his mother even when the time is not right (Jn 2:1-11), though he could dare, confront and challenge the elders, scribes, pharisees and saducees in the temple at a very tender age he remained submissive and obedient to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk2:43-51), the Blessed Virgin Mary remain closely united with her Divine son Jesus Christ all through his life to the point of his death and while hanging on the Cross of Calvary Jesus Christ gifted her Divine Mother as the Mother of the new Israel  (God's children) through the apostle John and she took her Divine Son's body in her arms after his death. All these are indicative of the inseparable bond of Love that exists between the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Divine Son Jesus Christ. Obviously, not even death can break this love and introduce a separation between the Divine Son and his Blessed Mother. Hence, God granted the Blessed Virgin Mary the rare honor and favor of being assumed body and soul into heaven. This Divine Honor bestowed on the Blessed Virgin Mary is what we celebrate today as the SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 
7. What then is the significance of this SOLEMNITY for us who are alife today as well as for our present day world?
As God's creatures and human beings created in the image and likeness of God we have in us as individual persons and as a family humans the seed of Divine glory. If we submit ourselves to the will of God and live according to his will as the Blessed Virgin Mary did (Lk 1:38) we shall also enjoy the full manifestation of God's glory in our life as individuals, families, churches, nations and the world as a whole. The troubles of our world today is because we have rejected God's will in many instances and live in conflict with God's will for ourselves, our fellow human beings and our world. The seed of God's glory, honor, favor and blessings is in you. Groom and grow it to full manifestation by submitting to and living according to the will of God and you'll see your life blossoming with the flowers of God's glory, honor, favor and blessings. This holds true for our world too if only we, as a human family, return to God and do his will. THIS IS THE SIGNIFICANCE AND THE MESSAGE OF THE SOLEMNITY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 

May God through the Holy Spirit teach us to understand and accept his Divine Will and live in accord with his Divine Will and henceforth cause our life as individuals and as a people to blossom with the flowers of his glory, honor, favor and blessings. May God honor, favor and glorify you in every aspect of your life with his blessings today and always. 
May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us and for our world.
God bless you and all yours and be assured of my prayers and blessings always. 


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