In the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament) the number 8 sometimes is used symbolically to represent that which is a surplus or a complete completion of a thing. With the number 7 being the number of completion, perfection or fullness, 8 can be best understood as still part of the whole just greater than the whole. For example, the basket is full of grains, and then there is a surplus... As 8 is beyond 7, or perfection it can sometimes means to overflow or exceed completion... In the name of GOD THE FATHER AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT and the by the power of God upon my life and standing in the office of Jesus Christ in whose Priesthood I share, I bless you and all yours as well as this month: I decree that this month of August be a month of surplus of all that is good and all that you have desired in life (good health, finances, success in business, divine healing, freedom from diabolic oppression, affliction and obsession, fruitfulness in child bearing, divine favour, ...
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