At the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ we celebrate the full manifestation of God's unconditional and all inclusive love for humanity. It's in this love that we come to the full knowledge of God, gain the ability and strength to love God above all things and to love our fellow human beings as God would want us to. By this fact we become not only beneficiaries of the Most Sacred of Jesus Christ but also it's channel unto others.
Amidst all the changes and chances of life and amidst all that you're going through today may God hold you dear and close to his Heart of love and compassion that you may find solace, comfort, strength, succor, encouragement, meaning in life, reasons to live for, hope to keep on, motivation to pursue your ambition and pull through, the warmth of his love and care and above all the assurance of true salvation in God.
May he lift you from all despair, depression, confusion, discouragement, misfortune, affliction, burden and yoke. May he restore your dignity, self worth, self confidence, focus in life and joy in life. May he heal you of the pains and wounds life has brought upon you and grant you the peace that only he can give. May he give you reason to rejoice, celebrate and be celebrated again.
Above all, in his love may you find and give love that is true, genuine, unconditional, all invading and all inclusive.
Cheer up and smile dearly beloved, God still loves you and it's all going to end in praise.
Happy Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Be assured of my prayers and blessings always.
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