
Showing posts from June, 2021

Wed. June 30th, 2021 Homily by FadaPeterBenson: WE ARE CALLED TO MAKE SAINTS, NOT BEASTS, OUT OF PEOPLE.

THE HEART OF TODAY'S HOMILY.             Ishmael was a lovely innocent child until he was sent out of the human society into the wilderness. The wilderness brought out the beast in him and his descendants. The demoniacs were beasts living among the tombs (wilderness) but Jesus, killing the beast in them, brought out the saint in them and reintegrated them into the human society. By circumstances you subject people to, you either bring out the saint or the beast in them. May God help us to avoid the mistake of Abraham and Sarah and be more of Jesus unto others.  PLEASE FOR EASIER ACCESS TO MY DAILY AUDIO HOMILIES I HUMBLY BUT PASSIONATELY APPEAL THAT YOU DOWNLOAD THE ANCHOR APP. Be assured of my prayers and blessings.        @FadaPeterBenson.

Mon. June 28th, 2021 Homily by FadaPeterBenson

THE HEART OF TODAY'S HOMILY.        Since Jesus Christ has the power to do all things are Christians still supposed to suffer at all if God truly loves them? What exactly is the cost implication of following Jesus Christ? To be a true disciple of Jesus Christ one must go beyond group mentality, make a conscious choice of responding positively to Christ's invitation to follow Him and put this 'new' relationship with the Divine Master over and above everything else in life. May God help us to be his true sons and daughters and true disciples of Jesus Christ through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Be assured of my prayers and blessings always. FOR YOU TO ACCESS MY DAILY HOMILY WITH MUCH EASE I HUMBLY AND PASSIONATELY APPEAL THAT YOU DOWNLOAD "ANCHOR" OR "SPOTIFY" OR "WEB BROWSER". SUBSEQUENTLY, MY HOMILY WILL BE COMING USING ONLY THE ANCHOR APP. I REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCETHIS MIGHT CAUSE YOU. THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDINGAND CONSTANT SUPPORT. ...

Tue. June 22nd,2021 Homily by FadaPeterBenson: TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT THEM TREAT YOU.

THE HEART OF TODAY'S HOMILY. What makes for wealth is not so much what you have but whom you have. Lot had the greener pasture, Abram had God. The difference in their wealth is glaringly clear (Lot left Sodom with nothing). More importantly, whom you have and not what you have will determine your ability to enter through the narrow gate to take possession of the kingdom of God. May God help us to cherish and price his presence in our life over and above every earthly possession and so come to treat others as we would want them treat us and as God would want us treat them. Be assured of my prayers and blessings. @FadaPeterBenson

Mon. June 21st, 2021 Sermon by FadaPeterBenson: GOD IS TOO FAITHFUL TO FAIL.

THE HEART OF TODAY'S SERMON.            If you put your attention on human beings and allow your way of life to be conditioned by how they treat you, it won't take long you will become a judge unto others for human beings will always fail you and fall short of your standards. If you put your attention on God who has called you into a personal relationship, you will always desire to grow in perfection so as to stay worthy of his relationship and covenant with you. By this fact, you inspire others to grow in perfection too. Above all, you demonstrate your faith in GOD WHO IS EVER TOO FAITHFUL TO FAIL YOU.  May He never fail you especially at those moments of life when you need him most and when all other helps fail through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Amen. Be assured of my prayers and blessings always.             @FadaPeterBenson.


THE HEART OF TODAY'S HOMILY. The extremely loud SILENCE of God and His overwhelmingly conspicuous ABSENCE in the world of today seems to suggest that GOD is away from or asleep on the stage of human existence and experience. it appears man has taken over the reigns of the universe from God. HE is still God. HE is neither SILENT nor ABSENT! God assures us in the readings of today that HE is still the RULER of the universe. Everything in creation takes orders from HIM. Hence, for his people there is no reason to fear nor panic for we're a new creation in Christ Jesus and HE will speak and give order to the circumstances of life in our favour again.  Stand firm in faith and persevere in righteousness. With Jesus in your boat you will certainly get to your destination and give your testimonies.  Be assured of my prayers and blessings. Kindly pray with Psalm 46. @FadaPeterBenson.

Sat. June 19th, 2021 Sermon by FadaPeterBenson: GOD IS NOT AN OPTION.

THE HEART OF TODAY'S MESSAGE:       'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' (Act 17:28). When do we serve God; when things are ok with us? When we are in trouble? When we are convinced he loves and cares about us? Is God an option with other rival alternatives? OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND WORSHIP OF HIM IS IMPERATIVE AND SACROSANCT. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO GOD AND THERE WILL NEVER BE! @FadaPeterBenson.

Fri. June 18th, 2021 Sermon by FadaPeterBenson: FAITH IS THE LIGHT OF THE BODY.

THE CORE OF TODAY'S SERMON.        "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (Heb 11:6). Faith, by it's nature, keeps our pride and fears in complete check. In fact, faith eliminates pride and fear. Only faith can enable us escape the danger and folly of laying up treasures for ourselves on earth.                             @FadaPeterBenson


At the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ we celebrate the full manifestation of God's unconditional and all inclusive love for humanity. It's in this love that we come to the full knowledge of God, gain the ability and strength to love God above all things and to love our fellow human beings as God would want us to. By this fact we become not only beneficiaries of the Most Sacred of Jesus Christ but also it's channel unto others. Amidst all the changes and chances of life and amidst all that you're going through today may God hold you dear and close to his Heart of love and compassion that you may find solace, comfort, strength,  succor, encouragement, meaning in life, reasons to live for, hope to keep on, motivation to pursue your ambition and pull through, the warmth of his love and care and above all the assurance of true salvation in God.  May he lift you from all despair, depression, confusion, discouragement, misfortune, affliction, burden and yok...