He's indeed a covenant keeping God, a prayer answering God and an ever faithful God! Despite the rough routes that the journey of life took you and I and the world through in 2020, here we're in 2021; a living testimony of God's mercy, benevolence and love. He's preserved you and I and brought us into 2021 for a purpose. May we live to fulfil the purpose God has ordained for us in 2021 and all through life. May God uphold you in his love, care, protection, favor, power, peace and blessings this year and beyond. May he perfect you in his will and in all that's good. May he expand your coasts and multiply you in virtue and in wealth. May he fight your battles and grant you peace on all sides. By the power, authority and anointing of God upon me I decree and pronounce you blessed beyond comprehension, you're a blessing and a testimony to your generation, you're a puzzle and a mystery to the kingdom of darkness, you're magnet of God's blessings and a r...